Industrial Rope Access

Our Industrial Rope Access Training includes lots of practice and observation.  Repeat, Repeat, Repeat.  Practice Makes Perfect!

Outside training has some great benefits, if the training is conducted by a reputable organization.  However, if people are only trained and certified by an outside organization and that certification is not backed up by ongoing training, practice and oversight it is seriously lacking!


We do all of our training “in house”.  Our program is based on what we have learned through existing laws and standards our involvement in associations and the development of those laws and standards, such as:  the Society of Rope Access Technicians (SPRAT), International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA), ASSP/Z359 “Fall Protection Code”, ASSP/Z459.1 “Safety Requirements for Rope Access Systems”, OSHA “Walking-Working Surfaces”.

We are constantly improving our program as we learn from our ongoing involvement in standards development, conversations with Industry leaders, innovations in equipment design, accidents in the industry, and observations from the field.